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Welcome to Kelowna Unitarians


If you are new click HERE

Upcoming Services

Services are currently running in a hybrid format; join us at 10:30 AM either in-person at the Sanctuary (1310 Bertram Street) or via the Zoom link below.

  • Many Voices, One Community
    Many Voices, One Community
    Sun, Feb 16
    Our 5th Principle calls our attention to the values of "freedom of conscience" and "democratic process." There can be a creative tension between the two values – the freedom AND responsibility to let our own voices be heard, and listening to others in community to discern how to take all voices...
  • Krystal Withakay, sylix Artist & Knowledge Keeper, shares her perspective on inclusion
    Krystal Withakay, sylix Artist & Knowledge Keeper, shares her perspective on inclusion
    Sun, Feb 23
    Krystal Withakay (spaxwawlm) is of the syilx nation and is from Westbank, BC. She is a devoted syilx artist and knowledge keeper. With over 20 years experience, Krystal continues her advocacy within syilx language and culture as a lifelong learner.

​Upcoming Events

Who We Are

We are a non-creedal, liberal spiritual community working for justice, equality and compassion.

We honour each individual’s search for truth and meaning. 

What Is A Unitarian?

Unitarians are an intentionally diverse and inclusive community, welcoming people with many different backgrounds, theologies and circumstances. We live by a set of 8 principles and draw our faith from six sources.

Get Involved

We come together to share our beliefs, explore the greater meaning of things and gain greater understanding of the world around us and the roles spirituality and faith play in our lives.

Have an Announcement to Share with the Community?


Please send all announcements to and we will help you get the word out. 



Giving to KU


Donating to the Kelowna Unitarians is easier than ever. Follow this link for details. 

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