Our Minister
Born in Montreal, Brian J. Kiely was ordained in 1988. He was the founding minister of a congregation in Surrey, BC. From 1997 to 2020 he served as minister of the Unitarian Church of Edmonton, Alberta. He recently served Beacon Unitarian in BC on a temporary basis via Zoom during the pandemic.
Brian served seven years on the Canadian Unitarian Council Board including two years as President. He also served as President of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists from 2007-14 and has led or participated in events and trainings in Kenya, the Philippines, Transylvania, the UK and Europe. He received the Nancy and Victor Knight Living Tribute Award for contributions to Canadian Unitarianism in 2013.
Brian and his wife Erica parent four mostly grown children and care for three cats and two dogs.
He spends his free time cycling long distances and cooking.
Brian can be reached at minister@kelownaunitarians.ca.