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Kelowna Unitarians, a congregation situated in the heart of the beautiful Okanagan Valley, traditional territory of the Okanagan (Sylix) people, is seeking a 2/3 time Minister evolving into 3/4 time with further intention for long term Called or settled Ministry.


Kelowna, which means Grizzly Bear in the Sylix language, is the third largest city in BC. It has a vibrant and growing culture, beautiful places for both summer and winter recreation, the Okanagan campuses of the University of British Columbia and Okanagan Community College, and many inviting restaurants and theatres. With bright, sunny summers, mild winters, wine country, orchards, high tourism, and high tech industry, this city on the sandy shores of Lake Okanagan is a wonderful place to live. We’d love to have you join us here!                                                     

Kelowna Unitarians presently has about 50 members and is growing. Prior to taking on a teaching role with our intern minister this past September, we made a congregational decision to renew and grow again spiritually and in membership. Beginning in Fall, 2018, we seek a 2/3 time Minister who can accept the challenge of guiding us on that journey. If under your leadership, we are successful in growing our congregation, we would wish to move into a 3⁄4 or full-time ‘Called’ Minister’s position.

We own our own lovely church building in the lively Cultural District as well as the valuable adjacent property, both of which bring stable / significant rental incomes. We have 4 part-time paid staff positions (office assistant, RE teacher, Music Director, and Custodian). Our Worship Committee and Care and Concern Committee are small yet mighty. We are committed to keeping our Unitarian community welcoming and growing.

Helpful links: and

Start Date: September 1, 2018.

Base salary will be negotiated within CUC/UUMA guidelines for GEO Index 3 depending on the experience and background of the candidate. In addition, a total compensation package, to be negotiated within a range of $32,683 to 49,125 CAD. Over and above salary will be benefits including Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, Worker’s Injury Insurance, 1-month professional expenses, 1-month holiday pay, and a percentage of salary designated “clergy residence deduction” permitted by Revenue Canada which provides a minister with tax credits.


Generally, an experienced minister (at least 5-7 years experience) could expect to start at $40,920 plus benefits. He or she would normally have an advanced degree, Lay Worship experience, and some staff leadership experience, as the minister is often asked to supervise staff.

The compensation amount, including salary and negotiated benefits, is designed to cover 26 – 27 hours/week, including 21 or 22 preaching Sundays per year for two years (from September to June) with the hope of extending by one or two years and/or “Called Ministry”. Scheduled daily and weekly work times will be negotiated with the chosen candidate.


For further information or to apply, please contact the

Kelowna Unitarians Search Committee Chair

The Minister would be expected to perform the usual duties of ministry, and may serve as executive for administrative purposes including staff supervision. The Minister would nurture a collaborative relationship with the governing board and would advise committees/task forces. The Minister would represent the congregation to the community.


The Minister would be expected to conduct Sunday worship 2-3 times a month (to a maximum of 22/year), participate in Board, Membership, and Worship Committee meetings. The Minister would be available by phone or email as needed and to have set periods of time for appointments with congregants at least 2 days per week.

Responsibility for membership development and outreach to the community would be shared with the membership committee. Outreach to the community would be a key role of our Minister. Administrative responsibility would remain largely with the Board and the President of  the congregation, with the Minister consulting on issues of concern or importance to building healthy community, growth, and strategic planning. Consultation with the Worship Committee will be necessary to coordinate scheduling and responsibility for services. The Minister would also assist in establishing a shared ministry team of lay members and/or ministerial associates.

The ideal candidate to support us in this time of change would be a dynamic, energetic, ordained UU minister, who is able to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of our small, aging congregation with clarity, compassion, and a sense of humour. Of high interest to our community 'is a desire for support reaching out to and connecting with young people. Experience working with smaller congregations would be a significant asset.

We welcome applications from ministers recently ordained as well as experienced Ministers. We are also willing to consider persons who are on the path towards formal ordination. The position is a 2/3 time Consulting Minister for a two year term contract which, depending on growth, may result in an extension of one or two years and/or an ongoing ‘Called’ relationship with the same Minister. We are looking at two years at this point with the hope of moving into 3⁄4 to full-time ‘Called’ position.

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