What does it mean to be a community of Welcome?
Welcome, is a more complex concept than it might initially seem. Welcoming is most often associated with “bigness.” We speak about...

What Does It Mean To Live A Life Of Love?
Love, and Justice, are bigger themes for February than Valentine's Day. Chocolate, and some odd marketing schemes telling us to buy...

What Does It Mean To Be A Community of Presence?
Spiritually, presence can mean two radically different things. One the one hand, contemplatives talk of “being present.” Presence from...

What Does It Mean To Be A Community of Story?
Our lives are not just made up of stories; they are also made by stories. This might be the most important reminder of this month....

Soul Matters - Octobers Theme: Healing & Blessing
Our Kelowna Unitarian Theme for October is a blend of Healing and Blessing. What Does It Mean To Be A Community of Healing? Well this...

Unitarian Couple Risks It All To Save World War ll Refugees - PBS Documentary
As our congregation and others welcome refugees from war torn and impoverished countries all over the world, the history of Unitarians...

Burundi Minister's Journey To Become a Canadian Unitarian Minister
In the next year, Rev. Fulgence Ndagijimana, a recently arrived refugee from Burundi, will be working with the Unitarian Congregation of...

Soul Matters!
Starting in September 2016, members, friends, and newcomers to Kelowna Unitarians will have a joyful opportunity to explore what it means...

Ministering To Animals & Children - A Spiritual Connection
We live in a multispecies world. Of the 1.7 million species of animals, insects, plants, and algae, only 5500 are mammals, and, of...

Okanagan Screening of Fractured Land Is More Than An Environmental Film
Dressed in a suit while sporting a mohawk and tattoos, Caleb Behn is himself a paradox. Fractured Land follows four year's of Behn's...